7 Early Signs Your Wife Is Thinking About Leaving You

If your wife seems emotionally distant, detached, or uninterested in sharing her thoughts and feelings with you, it could indicate that she is withdrawing from the relationship.

1. Emotional Distance

A significant decline in physical affection and intimacy can be a red flag. If your wife is less interested in being close or affectionate, it might suggest she is losing emotional and physical connection.

2. Decreased Intimacy

Frequent arguments and heightened tension can be signs of deeper issues. If small disagreements escalate quickly or if there’s an increase in unresolved conflicts, it could indicate that she is dissatisfied.

3. Increased Conflict

If your wife is spending more time away from home, whether with friends, at work, or engaging in hobbies, it might be a sign that she is seeking fulfillment and happiness outside of the marriage.

4. Spending More Time Away

If your wife avoids making future plans or discussing long-term goals that involve you, it could be a sign that she is contemplating a future without you in it.

5. Lack of Future Plans Together

Increased secrecy about her activities, finances, or communications can be a sign that she is distancing herself from you.

6. Secretive Behavior

If your wife frequently expresses dissatisfaction with the relationship, points out what’s wrong more than what’s right, or talks about feeling unfulfilled, these can be clear indicators that she is considering leaving.

7. Expressing Dissatisfaction

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